About Human Phrama

About Human Pharma Pharmaceutical Industries

Company profile:

Human Pharma Lab manufactures pharmaceutical products according to the GMP approved by the Arab Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization
These preparations cover most of the therapeutic branches of:

1- Cardiovascular drugs
2-Respiratory Drugs
4-Digestive drugs
5-Pain relievers
9-nutritional supplements

Human Pharma’s production is distributed to:

1-Capsule production line
2-Production line of compact discs
3-A hormonal production line

The goals of the company :

The company aims to increase its production lines to follow its developmental and development path to reach local and international requirements.
The Human Pharma Laboratory administers scientifically, technically and organizationally cadres in the field of pharmacists, chemists, technicians and administrators who are constantly subject to training courses aimed at providing them with everything that is new to present their efforts to this donor country.

Company Message:

Human Pharma Lab manufactures, markets and distributes therapeutic solutions to ensure a healthy life for everyone